The Charting My Path for Future Success project will take place in school districts across the country during the 2024–25 and 2025–26 school years. Students are eligible to participate if they have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and will be entering the 11th grade or are about two years away from finishing high school as of fall 2024.

Combining the most promising aspects of tested student supports, the new programs in the Charting My Path for Future Success project may help students do better at school and beyond.
Potential benefits to signing up include improving students':
- goal-setting skills
- ability to monitor their growth and learn from mistakes
- ability to adapt to challenges
- skills to identify people and programs that could support their success
- transitions into life after high school
Charting My Path Project Video Introduction
View our short, 3-minute video to learn more about the project.
Testimonials from School Staff about SDLMI
“I enjoy that the students are more involved, and [the program] is geared more towards the students … and they get to choose what they enjoy and what they like and what they want to work towards.”
“I’m asking them, how do they want to learn? ... We discuss their strengths and also what they want to improve on. Then I’m able to incorporate that into my teaching.”
“When they set their goals, it becomes personal, and they have more initiative to achieve that personal goal. It’s theirs, it’s not me telling them what to do.”